Help us Fight Human Trafficking.
Rahab's Daughters specializes in rescue, rehabilitation & reintegration of survivors of trafficking. We provide vocational training options, safe houses and prevention & counseling, any survivors can come and get a full range of services. In all of our areas of operation, we provide prevention & rescue services.
We offer survivors of human trafficking, shelter, clothing, education, vocational training, and the ability to create a dream plan that empowers them to start making choices for their own lives and break free from being controlled.
We provide a wide range of prevention and education options because we believe prevention is better than cure and our member-only prevention teams consist of Mom's Against Trafficking and Dad's Against Trafficking, you don't have to be a mom or dad to get involved.
We are very involved in outreach to the establishments that most see a trafficking problem and we have outreach teams that hit the streets and the phones to reach those in need.